Minecraft with JavaScript

What is ScriptCraft?: http://scriptcraftjs.org/

ScriptCraft is a Minecraft Mod that lets you extend Minecraft using the Javascript Programming Language. ScriptCraft makes modding Minecraft easier. It includes a logo-like “Drone” object that can be used to build complex buildings, roads, villages, even entire cities. It also includes many other features that make modding Minecraft easier.


JavaScript Comes to Minecraft: http://www.i-programmer.info/news/167-javascript/5359-javascript-comes-to-minecraft.html

Build Giant Ravine in Minecraft using ScriptCraft (With Other Examples): http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/878585/Build-Giant-Ravine-in-Minecraft-using-ScriptCraft

Programozás gyerekeknek

Új, gyerekeknek szánt programozási nyelvet ad ki a MIT és a Google

Programozás tanulás Minecraft játékon keresztül: http://prog.hu/hirek/4294/uj-gyerekeknek-szant-programozasi-nyelvet-ad-ki-a-mit-es-a-google

Scratch Blocks is a library for building creative computing interfaces : https://github.com/llk/scratch-blocks

Explore a Minecraft world through code: https://code.org/mc

Microsoft and Code.org team up to bring ‘Minecraft’ to Hour of Code: https://news.microsoft.com/2015/11/16/microsoft-and-code-org-team-up-to-bring-minecraft-to-hour-of-code/

A Microsoft is beszáll a Minecraft-tel a programozás oktatásába

Nem sokkal azt követően, hogy a Disney új, Star Wars figurákat, illetve az azokhoz kapcsolódó feladványokat tett elérhetővé a Code.org-on, a Microsoft is bejelentette, hogy egy saját franchise-zal csatlakozik a kezdeményezéshez. Így mostantól már a közismert Minecraft játékhoz kapcsolódó karakterekkel és feladatokkal is lehet az oldalon át programozás alapjaiban elmélyedni.

Az új feladványok annyi pluszt kínálnak a korábbiakhoz képest, hogy egyrészt ezekben a tanulni vágyó gyerek – vagy akár felnőtt – kiválaszthatja, hogy a Minecraft két fő figurája, Steve és Alex közül melyikkel szeretne játszani. Ezen kívül a Microsoft egy a feladatok megoldásához használható vizuális programozás alapjait, illetve folyamatát bemutató videót is készített – ami azonban elsősorban csak azoknak lesz segítségére, akik már jól értenek angolul (is).

Minecraft DEVELOPER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55jADN4Y7Pg

History.js example with JQuery

Good but it is better using Cookie at complexed page.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″>
<title>Simple History.js Ajax example </title>

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.2.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://browserstate.github.io/history.js/scripts/bundled/html4+html5/jquery.history.js”></script>


<ul class=”content_links”>
<li><a href=”page_1.html”>Content page 1</a></li>
<li><a href=”page_2.html”>Content page 2</a></li>

<div id=”content”>
<p>Content within this box is replaced with content from supporting pages using javascript and AJAX.

$(function() {

// Prepare
var History = window.History; // Note: We are using a capital H instead of a lower h
if ( !History.enabled ) {
// History.js is disabled for this browser.
// This is because we can optionally choose to support HTML4 browsers or not.
return false;

// Bind to StateChange Event
History.Adapter.bind(window,’statechange’,function() { // Note: We are using statechange instead of popstate
var State = History.getState();
/* Instead of the line above, you could run the code below if the url returns the whole page instead of just the content (assuming it has a `#content`):
$.get(State.url, function(response) {
$(‘#content’).html($(response).find(‘#content’).html()); });

// Capture all the links to push their url to the history stack and trigger the StateChange Event
$(‘a’).click(function(evt) {
History.pushState(null, $(this).text(), $(this).attr(‘href’));


source: https://github.com/browserstate/history.js/

WordPress generators

Taxonomy Generator Create custom Taxonomies using register_taxonomy() function. Content
Post Type Generator Create custom Post Types using register_post_type() function. Content
Post Status Generator Create custom Post Status using register_post_status() function. Content
Theme Support Generator Create custom Theme Features using add_theme_support() function. Design
Sidebar Generator Create custom Sidebars using register_sidebar() function. Design
Menu Generator Create custom Navigation Menus using register_nav_menus() function. Design
Shortcodes Generator Create custom Shortcodes using add_shortcode() function. Content
Quicktags Generator Create custom Quicktags for the WordPress text editor. Admin
Toolbar Generator Create custom Toolbar (Admin Bar) using WP_Admin_Bar class. Admin
WP_Query Generator Create custom WordPress Queries using WP_Query class. Query
WP_User_Query Generator Create custom User Queries using WP_User_Query class. Query
WP_Comment_Query Generator Create custom Comment Queries using WP_Comment_Query class. Query
wp-config.php Generator Create custom configuration settings on wp-config.php file. Core
Plugin Readme Generator Create custom readme.txt file for your WordPress plugin. Core
Schedule Cron Job Event Create custom Cron Jobs using wp_schedule_event() function. Core
Register WordPress Scripts Register custom WordPress Scripts using wp_register_script() function. Core
Register WordPress Styles Register custom WordPress Styles using wp_register_style() function. Core
oEmbed Providers Register oEmbed providers using wp_oembed_add_provider() function. Content
Theme Default Headers Generator Create custom Theme Default Headers using register_default_headers() function. Design
User Contact Methods Generator Create custom Contact Methods for WordPress user-profile. Admin
Custom Snippet Save your own WordPress snippets and share them with the world. General
Meta Box Generator Premium Create custom WordPress Meta Boxes using add_meta_box() function. Content
Widgets Generator Premium Create custom WordPress Widgets using WP_Widget class. Design
Dashboard Widgets Generator Premium Create custom Dashboard Widgets using wp_add_dashboard_widget() function. Admin

source: https://generatewp.com/generator/

Webdevelopment, programming – How to Deal With a Non-Paying Client

5 Tips for Dealing With Clients Who Won’t Pay: http://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-deal-with-non-paying-clients/

Even if you’re a one-person company, there’s no excuse for not having a clearly defined processes and policies for dealing with late payments.

How to Deal With a Non-Paying Client: http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/show-client-whos-boss/

We all would like to live in a perfect world. One without suffering, sickness and… annoying clients.

When a client won’t pay: http://www.the-haystack.com/2006/07/31/when-a-client-wont-pay/

Last week, for the very first time, I removed a client’s website from their host. The website has been up for over four months and we have yet to receive one cent in payment. In a saturated web development market in which our company (like many other small agencies) sometimes has to struggle to convince clients of the value of quality design and code (versus the “nephew with a copy of FrontPage”), we actually like to get paid for the work we do.

Dealing With Clients Who Refuse To Pay: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/04/dealing-with-clients-who-refuse-to-pay/

The most unfortunate part of this unfortunate truth is that it will all too often present itself in the form of a client who refuses to pay for your services once all of the work has been completed.

Why we gave up web design after 10 successful years: https://silktide.com/why-we-gave-up-web-design-after-10-successful-years/
I fired a number of clients in our time, but you can’t fire everyone you disagree with. At times, to pay the bills, you’ll probably take on work you suspect you shouldn’t, and deal with people you wish you wouldn’t.

Why Don’t People Want To Pay For Good Design?: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/paying-for-good-design/

People, at large, like to believe that they are creative on some level, even if their profession has absolutely nothing to do with design whatsoever.


Nem fizet a paraszt! – Szinte minden évben vagy egy olyan mocskos tróger, aki többszöri kérlelés, figyelmeztetés ellenére sem képes kifizetni az ember munkáját.: http://hup.hu/node/139996

“WordPress + Woocommerce: nem igényel többet. Eleve ez is volt a kérése a tisztelt megrendelőnek…”

Pénzbehajtás problémás ügyfelektől, hogyan?: http://weblabor.hu/forumok/temak/108816
Szerintem, a dolog ott van elcseszve, hogy csomóan üzembe helyezik az oldalt, mielőtt az ügyfél fizetne. Ráadásul az ügyfél szerverén, ahol nehéz korlátozni, ha nem fizet.

Honlapkészítés árak: http://www.eduwork.hu/honlap-k%C3%A9sz%C3%ADt%C3%A9s

Téveszmék a szoftverhibák kapcsán: http://infokukac.com/2010/07/teveszmek-a-szoftverhibak-kapcsan/

PHP sessions default timeout


Q: would a user eventually be “logged out” after some time of inactivity?
A: It depends on the server configuration or the relevant directives (session.gc_maxlifetime) in php.ini. Typically the default is 24 minutes (1440 seconds), but your webhost may have altered the default to something else.


CakePHP – session timeout: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20348038/cakephp-session-timeout