How creating a mobile app changed my life

Back in 2010, I had a normal job doing software development. I always had dreams of someday working completely for myself, but I figured that I’d probably work for someone else for the next 10 years or so, and then maybe I could retire from my real estate investments and do what I really wanted to do.

But, then something unexpected happened.

My wife had an idea for a running application that tracked your pace while you were running and told you to speed up or slow down if you were running too fast or too slow.

I had an Android phone. I didn’t know anything about Android development, but decided that I could probably figure out how to write an Android app. How hard could it be?

I spent the next few months working just a few hours each day on the app while learning Android development at the same time.

I’m not going to say it was easy. But, I will say it was fun—and I learned a lot.

Not just about developing Android apps, but about myself.

It took everything I had to stay on task and finish the app. I had started a lot of projects in my life, but I was determined to FINISH this one.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I eventually released the application to the Android app store and ported the application over to iOS.

The application wasn’t super successful, but 7 years later, I still get about $100 a month from the app—without doing anything at all.

But, the $100-a-month that app generated was nothing compared to the opportunity that finally creating my own app and finishing it provided me.

Building that app, eventually led to ……sight asking me to do a course on Android development and then one on iOS development.

Building that app, eventually led to me starting a trend of FINISHING every project I started.

Which resulted in me writing a book, creating 55 ………..sight courses in total, launching two podcasts, a YouTube channel and a whole bunch of other things.

John Sonmez

Ionic 3 and Angular 5 Search and Sort List of Data

A comprehensive step by step tutorial of Ionic 3, Angular 5 and Sort List of Data with working example. Almost every Ionic 3 or Angular 5 application that has a list need to searching and sorting the list. We will build the searching and sorting of the list of data that loaded to an array. We will use same API call as the previous tutorial for load Country list. The main purpose of this tutorial is to populate existing data using Angular pipes. There are ready to use Angular pipes modules, but we will create our own from scratch.

Learning programming over 50 / 50 felett vagyok és programozni tanulok

I’m learning to code at 56. Here’s an epic beat-down of my critical inner self:

Getting a Programming Job When You’re Over 50:

Should a 50-year-old Career Changer Learn Code? What and Where?:

How many hours a day do you work?

How many hours a day do you work?

When I ask most developers that question and they usually say at LEAST 8 hours.

If you include all the time that you put in “off-the-clock,” working on side projects, watching tutorials, reading, listening to podcasts, etc. then you might say as much as 12-16 hours a day.

That was my schedule for a long time.

I’d put in 8-12 hours at work, then spend several more hours in the evening reading technical books, solving puzzles on TopCoder, building side projects to improve my C++ skills.

I thought I was the Master Yoda of productivity—it sure looked that way from the amount of time I was working.

One day I took a step back though, and took a look at everything I was doing from a different angle.

I asked myself:

How EFFECTIVE are you?

Am you getting real, meaningful shit done…

Or are you just getting shit, done?

To answer this question I did an experiment where I tracked exactly where my time was going every day.

This is REALLY eye opening—if you’ve never done it I recommend giving it a shot.

What you’ll likely find is that as much as 80% of the time you spend “working” actually goes to things like:

Responding to email.

Answering Slack messages.

Attending meetings.

Creating reports.

Dealing with interruptions from coworkers.

I know for me this was a terrible place to be.

You finish the day feeling completely drained, stressed and frustrated—like you’re spending every waking moment working.

Yet when you look back at what you actually accomplished during the day, you’re no closer to achieving any of your goals.

I’ve gotten in trouble for saying this, but the average software developer actually *works* just 1-2 hours per day.

If you want more out of your career and life then what you’re getting today, this is a HUGE problem.

I always get excited when I find major bottlenecks like this though, because there is huge opportunity if you can fix the problem.

If you can train yourself to really WORK for just 2-4 hours a day, you’ll be TWICE as productive as everyone else.

I’ve learned how to do this in every area of my life.

And it’s the real reason I’m able to get so much done, while still having time to pursue other interests like developing myself physically and building up my real estate investments.

How can you do this in *your* life?

To help answer that question, I want to introduce you to a project being headed up by my friend Mani Vaya.

I first met Mani a couple of years ago when he emailed me about one of my YouTube videos.

As it turns out, he lives here in San Diego, and we started hanging out a few times a month. (“Hanging out” with me means enduring 10-mile runs and 2-hour lifting sessions.)

Mani is a former software developer himself.

His first job was writing DVD player firmware in Assembly—some really low-level shit.

Within a few years he’d worked his way up to managing billion-dollar cell phone design projects for Qualcomm.

He has an extremely sharp, analytical mind, and he is a serious student of the art of productivity.

Today Mani runs a project called 2,000 Books.

What Mani does is find the best books that are being published on topics like productivity, goal setting, and motivation…

He studies these books, making extensive notes…

Then he takes the most important ideas from each book and presents them in tight, 9- to 15-minute video summaries.

You get the 4-7 key concepts in a condensed format that’s easy to absorb, easy to review, and easy to put into action immediately.

Watching these summaries is like watching the world’s leading experts on personal productivity, time management and overcoming procrastination give the “TED talk” version of their books.

Mani recently took a collection of these summaries and created a course called “2X Your Productivity.”

This video course includes summaries of the 50 all-time best books on time management, productivity, goal setting, systems, execution, strategy and leverage.

Many of my top recommended books are in here, books like:

– The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
– Deep Work by Cal Newport
– The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
– The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
– The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker
– The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

These books are so valuable that I’ve read and reread many of them multiple times—and Mani’s summary format makes it possible to refresh your memory on these important concepts in just a few minutes.

All together, this collection includes more than 250 tips, tools and techniques for:

– Becoming more productive
– Creating powerful habits
– Defeating procrastination
– Setting goals
– Installing execution systems that make goal achievement inevitable
– Hacking your brain for high performance
– Identifying the high leverage points that yield massive results
– Manufacturing motivation
– Getting results rather than being busy

Now if you were to buy all these books you’d spend at least $500 for the cheapest electronic versions—or as much as $1500 for the audio books.

You’d also invest at least a solid year of your time to read through them.

So I think Mani’s asking price of $69 for this course is more than fair—it’s a steal.

That doesn’t mean I’m not going to do my best to negotiate a better deal for you, though.

After a little back and forth, I got Mani to agree to give you lifetime access to “2X Your Productivity” for the special Simple Programmer price of $29 (a savings of $40).

In addition, you’ll also get access to an exclusive video training session I’m creating.

In this mini-course, I’ll show you 7 productivity principles to overcome procrastination, improve your focus, and actually finish what you start.

This training is not for sale anywhere else—it’s only available as part of the “2X Your Productivity” bundle.

One more thing…

This offer is only good through tomorrow, so go here to order before the deal expires: