Változtatni időben: főtt béka

Olyan ez, mint a főtt béka esete.
Ha egy békát beleteszünk egy edénybe, alatta begyújtunk, akkor észre sem fogja venni a béka, hogy előbb-utóbb annyira felforrósodik a víz, hogy megfő.

Programozás LEGO kockával:

LOMO – Coding without screen for Girls and Boys age 4+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYe2JL2_ZAY

LOMO is a colourful coding game introducing children to the world of logic. By using coding bricks – that light up with every step their robot moves – children decide where their adventure starts! No screen time is required!

Laravel Eloquent usage > Eager loading relationships

$orders = \App\Order::with(‘user’)->get();

foreach($orders as $order){
echo $order->user->first_name;

The above code will execute two database queries. One to retrieve all the orders and the second to retrieve all the users tied to the orders. If you have 1000 order records, your application still executes just two queries.

Since we need only the user’s first name, we can choose to eager load it like this:

$orders = \App\Order::with(‘user:id,name’)->get();

foreach($orders as $order){
echo $order->user->first_name;

Advanced Laravel Eloquent usage https://blog.pusher.com/advanced-laravel-eloquent-usage/