GitHub Alternatives ? GIT

By now you must have been aware that Microsoft has acquired GitHub. GitHub has been the favorite place for hosting open source projects. But with Microsoft entering the scene, the scenario might be changed.

It’s not a secret that Microsoft doesn’t have a favorable view in open source community. In fact, some open source people are strictly anti-Microsoft.

Smarty template engine info =(:-/)


##{section name=id loop=$adat}#

##{$}#, ##{$adat[id].id}#



##{if $adat[id].bold eq 1}## foo ##{else}# baz ##{/if}#


##{foreach item=i from=$target name=foo }#

##{$}#, ##{$}# , ##{$}#



php smarty loop multidimensional array

.gitignore problem Remember, the .gitignore file ignores only files that are not tracked.

Remember, the .gitignore file ignores only files that are not tracked.
Remember, the .gitignore file ignores only files that are not tracked.
Remember, the .gitignore file ignores only files that are not tracked.
Remember, the .gitignore file ignores only files that are not tracked.
Remember, the .gitignore file ignores only files that are not tracked.

.gitignore not working:

PHP in 2018

PHP in 2018 is a talk by PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf, which focuses on new features in PHP 7.2 and 7.3.

Rasmus Lerdorf (born 22 November 1968) is a Danish-Canadian[1] programmer. He created the PHP scripting language, authoring the first two versions of the language and participated in the development of later versions led by a group of developers including Jim Winstead (who later created, Stig Bakken, Shane Caraveo, Andi Gutmans, and Zeev Suraski. He continues to contribute to the project.