How coding almost killed me

Top 8 developer habits: Getting shit done
Cares more about the artifact than the construct. Don’t use quality as an excuse to procrastinate, but also don’t use shipping as an excuse to do things that are wrong or sloppy.

Programming is not coding but helping people

John Morris : This wasn’t even that long ago.

Maybe 3 or 4 years.

I did what most coders do.

You get your first few clients and realize, “Hey. People will actually pay me to do this!” And, you go all-in. Taking every client you can get. Making as much muney as you can. And because most of us aren’t super familiar with online marketing… we compete on price.

So, you end up with a bunch of clients…

Each paying you a little…

And, working a ton of hours…

To make your muney.

For me, I literally spent 14-16 hours a day at my desk for about a year. And, it would have killed me. I ballooned up to almost 290 pounds. My back got so bad I couldn’t even sit down for more than a few minutes. I was always stressed out and anxious.

But, when my left arm went numb…

And, wouldn’t come back…

That’s when I knew I had to change.

And so, I started trying to figure out how I could make the same muney while working dramatically less hours. Working with fewer clients, but getting paid more by each. And today, I have one client… and I make more than I did back then.

I don’t spend 16 hours a day at my desk.

I’m not constantly stressed out.

And yes… I can feel my left arm again! 🙂

Something to consider as you go forth in your career.

It’s easy to get caught up in the euphoria of getting paid to code. To say yes to everybody and be driven solely by the muney. But, if you don’t take the right approach you’ll end up working more, making less, and it might just kill you.

Anyway, I talk about everything I’ve learned in this month’s “Get Paid to Code” training over on Patreon. Specifically, we cover the 9 questions you need to answer to go from overworked and underpaid (and underappreciated) to well-paid with a bunch of free time to actually enjoy what you’ve accomplished.

I call my old lifestyle the “McDonald’s Syndrome”.

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