Storing HTML Form data locally
<script type=”text/javascript”>
$(document).ready(function() {
var formElements = {};
var current_siteurl = window.location.href;
//console.log( ‘current_siteurl: ‘+ current_siteurl);
$(“form :input”).each(function(){
var input = $(this);
// console.log( input.attr(‘name’));
$(“textarea[name='”+input.attr(‘name’)+”‘]”).keyup(function() {
// console.log(‘click:’+ $(“textarea[name='”+input.attr(‘name’)+”‘]”).val());
formElements[input.attr(‘name’)] = $(“textarea[name='”+input.attr(‘name’)+”‘]”).val();
formElements_str = JSON.stringify(formElements);
// A süti neve az aktuális oldal neve, egyedi azonosító
Cookies.set(current_siteurl, formElements_str , { expires: 3 });
$(“#show_saved_btn”).click(function() {
formPack_str = Cookies.get(current_siteurl);
//console.log( ‘suti: ‘+ formPack_str);
formPack = JSON.parse(formPack_str);
for (var k in formPack ){
if (formPack.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
Autosave form content to Local Storage, a cookie if LS is not available, as changes are made realtime in forms
The jQuery.autosave plugin automatically and unobtrusively saves form data based on a set of critera. :
Guide to have Persistent Form data using jQuery:
The idea is to store the form data in the cookies and refill tht data if the form is called once again. And if the for submission goes successful; we will just clear the cookies.
JQuery Cookie Lib: