Cutlass WordPress Starter Theme

Cutlass is a WordPress Starter Theme with the power of Laravel’s Blade templating engine included, allowing you to develop WordPress sites more quickly then you ever have before. It includes HTML5 syntax, Bootstrap and Font Awesome by default.

project page:

WordPress – disable message: “Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. “

Disable Settings/Discussion Settings “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)”.

Run this MySQL commands on your WP database to hide message of earlier posts:

UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status='closed' WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post';
UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status='closed' WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'page';


A successful WordPress developer story

Muhammad Haris is a WordPress developer and Power Elite author
($1+ million in sales) based in Lahore, Pakistan.
He partnered with designer Luke Beck to found ThemeFusion (,
one of ThemeForest’s most successful author teams and the
creators of ThemeForest top-seller Avada (
Here Muhammad tells the story of how he became a web developer, how ThemeFusion was founded,
the secret behind Avada’s meteoric rise, and how his success on ThemeForest has changed his life.

WordPress and Drupal Core Denial Of Service Vulnerability !!! – Moderately Critical

Both WordPress and Drupal are affected by a DoS (denial of service) vulnerability on the PHP XML parser used by their XMLRPC implementations. The issue lies in the XML entity expansion parser that can cause CPU and memory exhaustion and the site’s database to reach the maximum number of open connections. That will cause the vulnerable site (and server) to go down for a period of time, hence affecting Availability of your website.