JQuery linkelés
XHTML valid külső link megadás: http://www.jquery-plugins.hu/plugin/55-external-links.html
JQuery könyvtár linkelés:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
Http connection timeout on Android
PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby összevetés
arithmetic and logic | strings | dates and time | arrays | dictionaries | functions | execution control | environment and i/o | libraries and modules | objects | reflection | web | java interop | history |
Android lista, kiválasztás
HTML5 specifikáció
Android Debug
Miért a Zend framework?
Why Sourcefabric chose Zend as our PHP framework.
Using local configuration files in Zend Framework
This tutorial shows you how to make some minor modifications to your Zend Framework MVC application to allow developers to supply their own local.ini which is not checked into the repository and can override any settings they want while not having to worry about any of the problems listed above.