Windows 10 – Hálózati meghajtó csatlakoztatása
File explorer (fájl böngésző) > Kattints ‘Ez a gép’ ikonra a bal menüben.
Megjelenik a ‘Számítógép’ ikon fent.
Kattints rá, ekkor megjelenik a ‘Hálózati meghajtó csatlakoztatása’ ikon.
Innen már ugyanaz a módszer, mint a korábbi Windows verzióknál.
Forrás, további infó :
Tortoise CVS overlay icon is not visible in Windows 10 x64 > solution : delete OneDrive with a simple commands
Managing overlay icons for Dropbox and TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit
2018.01.07 update:
navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers
delete skydrive(onedrive) folders:
Tortoise CVS, GIT, SVN icons not visible in Win 10 x64
I bought a new laptop with Windows 10.
I installed Tortoise CVS client (1.12.5) I didn’t see overlay icon on the file or folder.
I found several solution (Regedit, Reinstall, Windows XP version).
At the end I found the elegant, simple, useful, working solution in this comment: “removing OneDrive helps me”
On the Lifehacker page contains few coomands how You can delete OneDrive.
Open Command Prompt in Administrator mode:
Right-click on the Windows icon in the taskbar and select Command Prompt (Admin).
Type in
taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe
to terminate any OneDrive processes and hit Enter.
Then type in either
%SystemRoot%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
if you’re using 32-bit Windows 10
or %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall
if you’re using 64-bit Windows 10 and hit Enter.
OneDrive reinstall: Download Windows Essentials 2012 :
Searching History:
File Icons are not displayed in Windows 10 :
> removing OneDrive helps me. thanks
Tortoise CVS icons not visible in Win 7 x64 :
TortoiseGit icons not showing correctly :
Minecraft Commands
Commands :
Exchange szerverhez kapcsolódó Microsoft Outlook (Business) helyett ingyenes megoldás eM Client
A Home Office csomagban található Outlook-ban nincs Exchange szerverhez kapcsolódás, az MS business Office drága.
Az eM Client jó megoldás:
Tapasztalat: Kapcsolódáskor a teljes hálózati nevet kellett megadnom RES\hálózati nevem.
Kapcsolódáskor automatikusan beállítódott az Exchange webszervíz, Címlista.
További alternatívák:
Become a Laravel Certified Developer
The Laravel Certificate program is created and monitored by an advisory board composed of top laravel developers and entrepreneurs whose members contribute heavily to the Laravel ecosystem.
Omnikey 3121 Windows 10 64 Bit Driver
Laravel : Raw Queries,
Raw Queries in Laravel :
A key concern when writing our own queries is protecting our application from SQL injection attacks. Normally, the query builder does this for us. However, when we write our own SQL, we need to make sure we don’t inadvertently remove this protection.
Here’s what we want to avoid:
$someVariable = Input::get(“some_variable”);
$results = DB::select( DB::raw(“SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_col = ‘$someVariable'”) );
In the above query, we’re directly adding user input into the query without sanitizing it. This leaves us open to attack!
DB::raw() is used to make arbitrary SQL commands which aren’t parsed any further by the query builder. They therefore can create a vector for attack via SQL injection.
How to execute raw queries with Laravel 5 :
Laravel 5.3 is now released !!
Server Requirements:
PHP >= 5.6.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
Javascript Tip
A JS Tip per day! :