Compiling a nodejs projects as a single binary : reate a single executable out of your node.js apps

Let’s face it, if you write software it’s often hard to distribute it: you have the runtime , the modules you depend on and your software itself. Sure you can package that all but packages ofter require you to have root-privileges to install.


Ability to run multiple applications with different node.js runtimes.
Distributable binaries without needing node / npm.
Starts faster.
Lockdown specific application versions, and easily rollback.
Faster deployments.

Building Requirements

Linux / Mac / BSD / Windows
Python 2.6 or 2.7 (use –python if not in PATH)
Windows: Visual Studio 2010+



Compile your Node.js project. No sources aboard.

PHP 7 and Node.js

Run A NodeJS Application On A LAMP Stack Server :

SitePoint Smackdown: PHP vs Node.js :

PHP 7 vs Node.js? They Can Be Partners, Not Competitors For a Developer! :

PayPal moving from Java to sNode.js :

Multiplayer game in browser

Install Multiple Versions of Node.js

Install Multiple Versions of Node.js using nvm :

nvm install 6.2.2

Installation complete. If you want to use this version, type

nvm use 6.2.2

Error: ‘node’ command not recognized.


just had the same problem. I solved it by deleting the empty folder “c:\program files\nodejs”. I then created the folder again. I guess there was a rights issue because the folder got created by an older node installer.