Ha véletlenül felmásoltad a .svn foldereket is webszerverre:
.svn folderek törlése PHP-val: Removing .svn Directories With PHP
A chmod változtatás így működik: if( !chmod( $svn, 0777 ) ){…..}
<?php header( 'Content-type: text/plain' ); // plain text for easy display // preconditon: $dir ends with a forward slash (/) and is a valid directory // postcondition: $dir and all it's sub-directories are recursively // searched through for .svn directories. If a .svn directory is found, // it is deleted to remove any security holes. function removeSVN( $dir ) { echo "Searching: $dirnt"; $flag = false; // haven't found .svn directory $svn = $dir . '.svn'; if( is_dir( $svn ) ) { if( !chmod( $svn, 0777 ) ) echo "File permissions could not be changed (this may or may not be a problem--check the statement below).nt"; // if the permissions were already 777, this is not a problem delTree( $svn ); // remove the .svn directory with a helper function if( is_dir( $svn ) ) // deleting failed echo "Failed to delete $svn due to file permissions."; else echo "Successfully deleted $svn from the file system."; $flag = true; // found directory } if( !$flag ) // no .svn directory echo 'No .svn directory found.'; echo "nn"; $handle = opendir( $dir ); while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' ) // don't get lost by recursively going through the current or top directory continue; if( is_dir( $dir . $file ) ) removeSVN( $dir . $file . '/' ); // apply the SVN removal for sub directories } } // precondition: $dir is a valid directory // postcondition: $dir and all it's contents are removed // simple function found at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.rmdir.php#93836 function delTree( $dir ) { $files = glob( $dir . '*', GLOB_MARK ); // find all files in the directory foreach( $files as $file ) { if( substr( $file, -1 ) == '/' ) delTree( $file ); // recursively apply this to sub directories else unlink( $file ); } if ( is_dir( $dir ) ) rmdir( $dir ); // remove the directory itself (rmdir only removes a directory once it is empty) } // remove all .svn directories in the // current directory and sub directories // (recursively applied) removeSVN( './' ); ?>