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Three.js – 3D a weben :

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Creating a scene

0 Impressive Examples for Learning WebGL with Three.js

ThreeJS WebGL on iOS with CocoonJS by Ludei

Az Apple szerint is eljött a böngészőben futó 3D-s játékok kora

PHP utility – renames all file name in the folder – Fájl nevek ékezetlenítése, sorköz helyett aláhúzás


PHP utility – Rename all file name in folder – Fájl nevek ékezetlenítése, sorköz helyett aláhúzás


$directory = getcwd();
$i = 1; 
$handler = opendir($directory);
while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
    if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {

    echo $file. "<br>";

$search  = array(' ', 'á', 'é', 'í', 'ó', 'ő', 'ü', 'ű', 'ú',',','ö');
$replace = array('_', 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'o', 'u', 'u', 'u','_','o');

$new_file = str_replace($search, $replace, $file);

        rename($directory."/".$file, $directory."/".$new_file); // here; prepended a $directory



Blind Boy Fuller – Mistreater, You’re Going To Be So – Lyrics

I didn’t find this lyrics of this song in the Google Search.
I asked this on a blues fan forum . This is what [mindthegap] hear…

I told you baby
 time and times again
 I wouldn't be you enemy
 Just be your friend
 But someday
 You goin' to be sorry
 You mistreat me
I took you breakfast
 Carried it to your bed
 Even taking my comb, mama
 And comb your head
 But someday
 You goin' to be sorry
 You mistreat me
You left this morning
 Down in the dawn
 Can you stand to leave me
 Stand see you go
 But someday
 You goin' to be sorry
 You mistreat me
Today had been
 Long lonesome day
 Ever since my woman
 Been gone away
 But someday
 You goin' to be sorry
 You mistreat me