NodeJs on Android
How to run NodeJs on mobile phone
How to install, setup and use termux(a linux command line interface for mobile)
How to run NodeJs on mobile phone
How to install, setup and use termux(a linux command line interface for mobile)
Are You Planning to Build Your Branded IoT App? Ask PSG Webinar
I have some Tuya device (camera, gateway, sensor) I am planning to develop app for my usement.
How to use PC instead of mobile app to communicate with Tuya Cloud?
This topic describes how to use cloud development to control smart devices.
Develop with Node.js SDK
This topic describes how to develop a program to control devices based on the open capabilities and SDK of the Tuya IoT Development Platform.
smart industry user account:
asset management:
Permakultúra – a lusta kertész módszere
A perma szó jelentése állandó, utalva ezzel az egyes növény, gomba, állat és rovarfajok ökológiai együttélésén alapuló módszerre, amely a táj, a domborzat és a vízrajzi adottságok kihasználásával képes egy önfenntartó rendszer működtetésére.
A békénhagyott kert
Learn how to write readable PHP that is a joy to maintain
Deploying laravel on shared hosts
As a solo developer or a small team without DevOps resources, shared hosting can play a useful part in your server resource pool. Often you can deploy many sites under a single monthly fee (rather than per droplet) meaning you can try out ideas without spinning up additional costs.
How to create custom middleware in Laravel
19 Laravel Ecosystem Explained – Part 1
create Objects in Laravel
Using Service Container to create Objects in Laravel