Lórum ipse


A Lórum ipse egy olyan szöveggenerátor, amely magyarosan hangzó, ám halandzsa szöveget gyárt, nyelvtanában a magyar nyelv szabályait követi. Az ilyen szövegek alkalmasak tipográfiai mintaszövegnek, úgynevezett vakszövegnek. A vakszövegek egyik népszerű formája a lorem ipsum, amelynek számos változatát is elkészítették.

“A caglások molyhos gatások, amelyek váldos füstölcsöket csókálnak, amelyeket el kell csíkoznia amilyen gyorsan csak lehet. A caglások a kocska szédüléd fölédén pesítnek abban a bárinban, ahová kínázták. Caglások börénzéséhöz külön negoránra van fajgja, amelyet a telőzet tud masirgálnia. A váldos gatások a caglások alatt vékolnak meg, de csak a bárin szniumán. Általában váldos füstölcsöket csókálnak, ezért fojtorc szolkolnia őket. Akár csak a caglásoknál, váldos gatások börénzéséhöz külön negoránra van fajgja, amelyet a telőzet tud masirgálnia. Az áron gatásokhoz nem lehet a szóriusokban vártaznia, valamint nem lehet többet helődnie.”

Free PHP Laravel 5 Webshop software

Aimeos – Laravel e-commerce package and online shop solution



Full-featured Laravel e-commerce package

It contains everything you need to create your new online shop including product catalogs, baskets, checkout, payment, order management and e-mails.

Faster than your customers expect

In optimized server setups, response times down to 40ms are possible when browsing the product catalog. This results in pleased customers and more sales.
Free and Open Source software

Use Aimeos free of charge, modify it according to your needs and use the code base for all your e-commerce projects without licensing headaches.

Complete setup in 5 minutes only

The Laravel e-commerce package is installed in less than five minutes and includes a set of demo data which creates a fully working shop instantly.

Best suited for mobile customers

Aimeos is designed from ground up for mobile devices and the content is optimally displayed on every smartphone or tablet which has at least 320px.

Extremely customizable components

Almost 2500 configuration options allow you to customize every aspect to your needs and the best thing is: You only need two settings for the start!

Scales in shops and products

Aimeos grows with your business up to 100k+ products and hundreds of shops per installation out of the box. It can handle several million products using extensions.

Optimized user experience

Perfect usability is the key for every successful online shop. Constant usability testing ensures that customers will love your shop and enjoy to come back.

Excellent code quality testified

Over 160 000 lines of code are constantly checked for quality and clean code. Thereby, new developers are able to dig into and understand the code quickly.

Benefit from a fully SEO optimized shop system

Increase the number of customers visiting your online shop. Aimeos comes fully SEO optimized out of the box and you can add content for any SEO relevant information.

Available in more than 10 languages

Make business world-wide with your e-commerce site. Aimeos is perfectly adapted to the language and local characteristics of your customers.

Extensively tested code base

The source code is covered by more than 3000 test cases including 8500 tests. Aimeos is among the most tested e-commerce systems on the market.

For more than just online shops in Laravel

Through its unlimited extensibility, Aimeos is a perfect choice for everything that is organized in lists and detail view, e.g. real estate portals, reservation systems, etc.

Powerful theming capabilities

Clean and structural HTML in combination with sophisticated CSS3 creates appealing high quality themes installed with layouts and configuration in one simple package.

Well documented source code

The code base contains more than 100 000 lines of comments. For that reason it’s one of the best documented code base available for Laravel.

Built on the fastest growing framework

Laravel is used by an impressive large community of PHP developers who are able to jump into any Aimeos project quickly and get productive within days.

WordPress and Laravel


WordPress and Laravel : https://laravel-news.com/2016/01/wordpress-and-laravel/

WordPress Corcel

Corcel uses Laravel Eloquent models to manage retrieving content directly from your WordPress database.

Using Laravel 4 + Eloquent With WordPress : http://ilikekillnerds.com/2014/09/using-laravel-4-eloquent-with-wordpress/

I hate having to create administration panels, the admin packages out there are complicated, don’t work correctly and are severely lacking in the features department.

Laravel 5 info

Learn Laravel 5 with Easy Laravel : https://laravel-news.com/2015/02/learn-laravel-5-easy-laravel/

Custom Authentication in Laravel : http://learninglaravel.net/custom-authentication-with-validation-in-laravel

Learn about pagination with Laravel and VueJS : http://learninglaravel.net/pagination-with-vue-and-laravel

Create an E-Commerce Website with laravel 5.2 : https://www.dunebook.com/create-an-e-commerce-website-with-laravel

The Ultimate Guide to Sending Email in Laravel : https://scotch.io/tutorials/ultimate-guide-on-sending-email-in-laravel

Beautymail for Laravel 5 : http://learninglaravel.net/beautymail-for-laravel-5
Learn about Beautymail for Laravel 5! A package that we can use to send responsive HTML emails with Laravel.