Aimeos webshop on Windows (Uniserver)

Create virtual host:

Command prompt, type notepad.
Open as administrator.
Open C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.

Type: aimeos.localhost

Open: core\apache2\conf\httpd.conf

Delete # from this row:
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

Open extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

E:\server\UniServerZ\www\projects\laravel5\webshop_aimeos\public – change your server PATH

DocumentRoot E:\server\UniServerZ\www\projects\laravel5\webshop_aimeos\public
ServerName aimeos.localhost

Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

PHP 5.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ships with PHP 5.5 by default, but if you want to use PHP 5.6, then it’s just 3 lines on the command line away. :

1. Add PHP 5.6 package sources to your system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6

and confirm with ENTER. If you get an error here, you need to install python-software-properties first (and then do the line above again):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

2. Update

sudo apt-get update

3. Install PHP

sudo apt-get install php5


Aimeos Laravel package – install history

Laravel e-commerce package for high performance online shops


>composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel webshop



“prefer-stable”: true,
“minimum-stability”: “dev”,
“require”: {
“aimeos/aimeos-laravel”: “~2016.04”,

“scripts”: {

“post-update-cmd”: [
“php artisan vendor:publish –tag=public –force”,
“php artisan vendor:publish”,
“php artisan migrate”,


#Caution: Make sure that the database is set up and it is configured in your config/database.php

>composer update

#Next, the Aimeos provider class must be added to the providers array of the config/app.php file so the application and Laravel command task will work:

return array(
‘providers’ => array(



D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1
– aimeos/aimeos-laravel 2016.04.1 requires aimeos/aimeos-core ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-core[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.3, 2016.04.4, 2016.04.5, 2016.04.6, 2016.04.7, 2016.04.x-dev].
– aimeos/aimeos-laravel 2016.04.2 requires aimeos/aimeos-core ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-core[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.3, 2016.04.4, 2016.04.5, 2016.04.6, 2016.04.7, 2016.04.x-dev].
– aimeos/aimeos-laravel 2016.04.x-dev requires aimeos/aimeos-core ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-core[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.3, 2016.04.4, 2016.04.5, 2016.04.6, 2016.04.7, 2016.04.x-dev].
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.x-dev requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.7 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.6 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.5 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.4 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.3 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.2 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– aimeos/aimeos-core 2016.04.1 requires ext-fileinfo * -> the requested PHP extension fileinfo is missing from your system.
– Installation request for aimeos/aimeos-laravel ~2016.04 -> satisfiable by aimeos/aimeos-laravel[2016.04.1, 2016.04.2, 2016.04.x-dev].

To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in those .ini files:
– E:\server\UniServerZ_2015\core\php56\php-cli.ini
You can also run `php –ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.


Edit php-cli.ini: extension=php_fileinfo.dll


D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
– Installing composer/installers (v1.0.25)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing psr/http-message (1.0)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing zendframework/zend-diactoros (1.3.5)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing aimeos/ai-laravel (2016.04.1)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing aimeos/ai-gettext (2016.04.1)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing doctrine/lexer (v1.0.1)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing aimeos/ai-swiftmailer (2016.04.1)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing aimeos/aimeos-core (2016.04.7)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing doctrine/annotations (v1.2.7)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing doctrine/collections (v1.3.0)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing doctrine/cache (v1.6.0)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing doctrine/common (v2.6.1)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing doctrine/dbal (v2.5.4)
Downloading: 100%

– Installing aimeos/aimeos-laravel (2016.04.2)
Downloading: 100%

aimeos/aimeos-core suggests installing apigen/apigen (Required for generating the API documentation)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
> php artisan vendor:publish –tag=public –force
Nothing to publish for tag [public].
> php artisan vendor:publish
Nothing to publish for tag [].
> php artisan migrate

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Nem hozhatˇ lÚtre kapcsolat, mert a cÚlszßmÝtˇgÚp mßr visszautasÝtotta a kapcsolatot.

Script php artisan migrate handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error

Error Output:

update [–prefer-source] [–prefer-dist] [–dry-run] [–dev] [–no-dev] [–lock] [–no-plugins] [–no-custom-installers] [–no-autoloader] [–no-scripts] [–no-progress] [–with-dependencies] [-v|vv|vvv|–verbose] [-o|–optimize-autoloader] [-a|–cla
ssmap-authoritative] [–ignore-platform-reqs] [–prefer-stable] [–prefer-lowest] [-i|–interactive] [–root-reqs] [–] []…



edit : /.env


D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan vendor:publish
Copied File [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\src\config\shop.php] To [\config\shop.php]
Copied Directory [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\src\database\migrations] To [\database\migrations]
Copied Directory [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\src\views] To [\resources\views\vendor\shop]
Copied Directory [\vendor\aimeos\aimeos-laravel\public] To [\public\packages\aimeos\shop]
Publishing complete for tag []!

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Nem hozhatˇ lÚtre kapcsolat, mert a cÚlszßmÝtˇgÚp mßr visszautasÝtotta a kapcsolatot.

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan aimeos:setup –option=setup/default/demo:1

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Nem hozhatˇ lÚtre kapcsolat, mert a cÚlszßmÝtˇgÚp mßr visszautasÝtotta a kapcsolatot.

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘homestead’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘homestead’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘homestead’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan migrate
Migration table created successfully.
Migrated: 2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table
Migrated: 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table
Migrated: 2015_03_06_000000_aimeos_users_table
Migrated: 2015_08_10_000000_aimeos_users_label

D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan aimeos:setup –option=setup/default/demo:1
Initializing or updating the Aimeos database tables for site “default”
Renaming order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_discount”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_service_attribute”: OK
Adding “flag” column to address tables
Checking “mshop_customer_address” table OK
Checking “mshop_supplier_address” table OK
Checking “mshop_order_base_address” table OK
Adding columns to table “mshop_attribute”
Changing typeid of mshop_attribute table OK
Renaming attributelist constraints
Checking constraint “fk_msattrli_siteid”: OK
Removing locale constraints from attribute tables
Removing catalog “domain” column
Checking table “mshop_catalog”: OK
Renaming catalog tree table
Checking table “mshop_catalog_tree”: OK
Adding code column to mshop_catalog OK
Changing code columns
Checking table “mshop_catalog”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_locale_site”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_plugin_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_price_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_tag_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_warehouse”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_supplier”: OK
Extend length of attribute code OK
Modifying index in mshop_attribute table
Checking index “dx_msatt_sid_dom_editor”: OK
Optimize list indexes
Adding constraint “unq_msattli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_mscatli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_mscusli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_msmedli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_msprili_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_msproli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_msserli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Adding constraint “unq_mstexli_sid_dm_rid_tid_pid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_msattli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_mscatli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_mscusli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_msmedli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_msprili_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_msproli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_msserli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Deleting constraint “unq_mstexli_sid_pid_dm_rid_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msattli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msattli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_mscatli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_mscatli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_mscusli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_mscusli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msmedli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msmedli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msprili_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msprili_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msproli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msproli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msserli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_msserli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_mstexli_sid_rid_dom_tid”: OK
Dropping index “idx_mstexli_pid_sid_rid”: OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_attribute tables
Checking index “fk_msattli_pid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msattli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Checking index “fk_msattli_parentid”: OK
Delete attribute options
Delete table “mshop_attribute_option_list” OK
Delete table “mshop_attribute_option_list_type” OK
Delete table “mshop_attribute_option” OK
Changing index type in madmin_cache OK
Adding config column to mshop_catalog OK
Adding reference ID columns to index tables
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_price” for column “priceid” OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_text” for column “textid” OK
Adding domain column to index text table
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_text” for column “domain” OK
Adding reference ID columns to index tables
Adding unique constraints to index tables
Checking index “unq_mscatinat_p_s_aid_lt” OK
Checking index “unq_mscatinca_p_s_cid_lt_po” OK
Checking index “unq_mscatinpr_p_s_prid_lt” OK
Checking index “unq_mscatinte_p_s_tid_lt” OK
Changing reference ID columns of index tables to NULL
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_attribute” and column “attrid” OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_price” and column “priceid” OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_text” and column “textid” OK
Drop old indexes in mshop_catalog_index_catalog table
Checking index “idx_mscatinca_s_lt_ca_po”: OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinca_p_s_lt_ca_po”: OK
Removing constraints from index tables
Removing locale constraints from catalog tables
Drop old index in mshop_catalog table
Checking index “idx_mscat_sid_nleft_nright”: OK
Renaming product warehouse table OK
Adding ctime/mtime/user columns to tables
Adding foreign keys to mshop discount table
Checking table “mshop_discount”: OK
Adding id to order service attribute table
Checking column “id”: OK
Adding siteid to order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_discount”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service_attr”: OK
Changing status columns
Checking table “mshop_attribute”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer”: OK
Checking table “mshop_discount”: OK
Checking table “mshop_global_language”: OK
Checking table “mshop_global_currency”: OK
Checking table “mshop_global_site”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Checking table “mshop_plugin”: OK
Checking table “mshop_price”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_supplier”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text”: OK
Renaming global tables
Changeing locale sites to tree of sites
Checking column “mshop_locale_site.level”: OK
Checking column “mshop_locale_site.nleft”: OK
Checking column “mshop_locale_site.nright”: OK
Changing product stock unique constraint OK
Changing site ID to NOT NULL
Changing table “mshop_attribute”: OK
Changing table “mshop_attribute_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_attribute_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_attribute_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog_index_attribute”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog_index_catalog”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog_index_price”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog_index_text”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_catalog_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_customer”: OK
Changing table “mshop_customer_address”: OK
Changing table “mshop_customer_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_customer_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_locale”: OK
Changing table “mshop_media”: OK
Changing table “mshop_media_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_media_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_media_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_plugin”: OK
Changing table “mshop_plugin_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_price”: OK
Changing table “mshop_price_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_stock”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_stock_warehouse”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_tag”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_tag_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_product_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_service”: OK
Changing table “mshop_service_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_service_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_service_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_supplier”: OK
Changing table “mshop_supplier_address”: OK
Changing table “mshop_text”: OK
Changing table “mshop_text_list”: OK
Changing table “mshop_text_list_type”: OK
Changing table “mshop_text_type”: OK
Renaming catalog index tables to index
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_attribute” OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_catalog” OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_price” OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_index_text” OK
Renaming catalog index constraints to index
Checking constraint “unq_mscatinat_p_s_aid_lt” OK
Checking constraint “unq_mscatinca_p_s_cid_lt_po” OK
Checking constraint “unq_mscatinpr_p_s_prid_lt” OK
Checking constraint “unq_mscatinte_p_s_tid_lt” OK
Renaming catalog index indexes to index
Checking index “idx_mscatinat_s_at_lt” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinat_p_s_lt_t_c” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinca_s_ca_lt_po” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinpr_s_lt_cu_ty_va” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinpr_p_s_lt_cu_ty_va” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinte_value” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinte_sid” OK
Checking index “idx_mscatinte_p_s_lt_la_ty_va” OK
Renaming column nodeid of catalog list table
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_catalog tables
Checking index “fk_mscatli_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_mscatsi_sid_pid”: OK
Checking index “fk_mscatsi_parentid”: OK
Checking index “idx_mscat_nleft_nright”: OK
Checking index “unq_mscatli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Checking index “unq_mscatsi_pid_sid”: OK
Renameing shipping to costs in index price table OK
Changing “domain” columns
Checking table “mshop_attribute”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_suggest”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_plugin”: OK
Checking table “mshop_price”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_tag_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list”: OK
Changing langid of mshop_product_tag table
Checking column “langid”: OK
Changing langid of mshop_text table
Checking column “langid”: OK
Changing “langid” & “” columns
Checking table “mshop_customer_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_locale”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_tag”: OK
Checking table “mshop_supplier_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text”: OK
Checking table “mshop_locale_language”: OK
Adding columns to table “mshop_order_base”
Checking column “comment”: OK
Adding columns to table “mshop_discount”
Adding columns to table “mshop_discount_code”
Renaming column “discount” to “rebate”
Checking table “mshop_price” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service” OK
Renaming order constraints
Checking constraint “pk_ordba_id”: OK
Checking constraint “pk_msordad_id”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msordad_baseid_domain”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordad_orderid”: OK
Checking constraint “pk_msordpr_id”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordpr_baseid”: OK
Checking constraint “pk_msorddi_id”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msorddi_baseid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msorddi_ordprodid”: OK
Checking constraint “pk_msordse_id”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msordse_bid_dn_code”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordse_baseid”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msordseat_ordservid_code”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordseat_ordservid”: OK
Renaming discount tables
Adding mtime, ctime, editor columns to coupon tables
Checking table “mshop_coupon”
Checking table “mshop_coupon_code”
Checking table “mshop_order_base_coupon”
Rename “couponid” to “parentid” in table “mshop_coupon_code”
Checking column “couponid” OK
Removing locale constraints from coupon tables
Migrating configuration keys in coupon tables OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_coupon tables
Checking index “unq_mscouco_sid_code”: OK
Checking index “idx_mscou_stat_start_end”: OK
Checking index “idx_mscouco_count_start_end”: OK
Checking index “idx_mscouco_code”: OK
Checking index “unq_mscouco_code_siteid”: OK
Adding columns to table “mshop_customer”
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “code”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “salutation”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “company”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “title”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “firstname”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “lastname”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “address1”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “address2”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “address3”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “postal”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “city”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “state”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “langid”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “countryid”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “telephone”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “email”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “telefax”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “website”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “birthday”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “password”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “ctime”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer” for column “mtime”: OK
Adding “vatid” column to customer address tables
Checking “mshop_customer” table OK
Checking “mshop_customer_address” table OK
Adding verification date column to table “mshop_customer” OK
Allow NULL in table “mshop_customer_address”
Checking column “langid” OK
Checking column “countryid” OK
Migrating subject tables
Checking table “mshop_subject_customer”: OK
Checking table “mshop_subject_supplier”: OK
Checking table “mshop_subject_common_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_subject”: OK
Renaming customer constraints
Checking constraint “fk_mscust_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mscust_langid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mscustaddr_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mscustaddr_refid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mscustaddr_langid”: OK
Rename “refid” to “parentid” in table “mshop_customer_address”
Checking column “refid” OK
Changing customer unique constraint
Checking constraint “unq_mscus_sid_code”: OK
Allow NULL for “countryid” in table “mshop_customer” OK
Changing length of “langid” in table “mshop_customer” OK
Removing locale constraints from customer tables
Modifying indexes in mshop_customer tables
Checking index “fk_mscusli_pid”: OK
Checking index “fk_mscusli_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_mscusli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Drop text index without domain in mshop_index_text table
Checking index “idx_msindte_p_s_lt_la_ty_va”: OK
Removing locale constraints from job tables
Adding config column to all list tables
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_price_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list”: OK
Adding status column to all list tables
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_price_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list”: OK
Changing list ids to NOT NULL
Checking table “mshop_text_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_customer_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list_type”: OK
Adding siteid to locale tables
Changing table “mshop_locale_currency”: OK
Changing table “mshop_locale_language”: OK
Change locale siteid foreign key constraints
Checking constraint “fk_msloccu_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mslocla_siteid”: OK
Changing size of column label for locale tables
Checking table “mshop_locale_site” for label”: OK
Checking table “mshop_locale_language” for label”: OK
Checking table “mshop_locale_currency” for label”: OK
Changing PRIMARY KEYS for locale
Checking table “mshop_locale_currency” for PRIMARY”: OK
Checking table “mshop_locale_language” for PRIMARY”: OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_locale tables
Checking index “fk_mslocla_siteid”: OK
Checking index “idx_mslocla_sid_status”: OK
Removing locale site “currencyid” column
Checking table “mshop_locale_site”: OK
Removing locale constraints from log tables
Adding domain column to media table
Checking column “domain”: OK
Adding preview column to media table
Checking column “preview”: OK
Changing typeid of mshop_media table OK
Removing locale constraints from media tables
Modifying indexes in mshop_media tables
Checking index “fk_msmedli_pid”: OK
Checking index “fk_msmedli_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msmedli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Adding langid and prodid columns to order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Adding addrid column to order address table
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Adding “vatid” column to order base address tables
Checking “mshop_order_base_address” table OK
Add column type to order attribute tables
Checking “mshop_order_base_product_attr” table OK
Checking “mshop_order_base_service_attr” table OK
Adding product ID to order base product table
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Add oderprodid and type to order base product
Checking column “ordprodid”: OK
Checking column “type”: OK
Adding warehouse code to order base product table OK
Renaming in “mshop_order_base_service” column “label” to “name”.
Checking column “label”: OK
Adding column to table “mshop_order_base_service”
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service” for column “mediaurl”: OK
Adding service ID to order base service table
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Change order siteid foreign key constraints
Checking constraint “fk_msord_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordba_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordbaad_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordbapr_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordbaprat_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordbase_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordbaseat_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msordst_siteid”: OK
Adding name column to order product attribute table
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: OK
Migrating order address salutations
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Adding tax column to order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Adding tax flag to order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Adding attrid column to order attribute tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service_attr”: OK
Changing attribute value type in order domain
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service_attr”: OK
Renaming order base product label
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Adding columns to table “mshop_order_base_product”
Checking column “mediaurl”: OK
Allow NULL in table “mshop_order_base_address”
Checking column “langid” OK
Checking column “countryid” OK
Changing collation in mshop_order_base_product
Checking column “prodcode”: OK
Checking column “suppliercode”: OK
Changing default value from column “mtime” to “NOT NULL”
Checking table “mshop_order_base” OK
Checking table “mshop_order” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr” OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_coupon” OK
Drop old indexes in order attribute tables
Checking index “idx_msordbaprat_sid_oid_cd_val” OK
Checking index “idx_msordbaseat_sid_oid_cd_val” OK
Delete foreign keys to locale domain in mshop order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service_attr”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_status”: OK
Drop old pay date indexes in mshop_order table
Checking index “idx_msord_sid_pdate_pstat_dstat”: OK
Checking index “idx_msord_sid_mtime”: OK
Migrating order emailflag colum to order status list
Fixing order email status values OK
Migrating order flags to order status list
Migrating order type
Checking table “mshop_order”: OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_order tables
Checking index “unq_msordbapr_bid_pos”: OK
Checking index “idx_msord_sid_pstat_dstat_pdate”: OK
Checking index “idx_msord_pdate_pstat_dstat”: OK
Checking index “idx_msord_pstat_dstat_email”: OK
Checking index “idx_msord_pstat_dstat_flag”: OK
Checking index “idx_msordbaad_bid_typ_sid”: OK
Checking index “idx_msordbapr_bid_pcd_sid”: OK
Checking index “idx_msordbaprat_oid_cd_val_sid”: OK
Checking index “idx_msordbase_bid_cd_typ_sid”: OK
Checking index “idx_msordbaseat_oid_cd_val_sid”: OK
Adding type to unique index to “mshop_order_base_product_attr” OK
Renaming order base customercode to customerid
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Renaming order base product amount to quantity
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Renaming order columns pdate,ddate,dstatus,pstatus
Checking columne “ddate”: OK
Checking columne “pdate”: OK
Checking columne “pstatus”: OK
Checking columne “dstatus”: OK
Renaming order domain
Checking table “mshop_order”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Renaming shipping to costs
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: OK
Adding name to order service attribute table OK
Adding type to unique index to “mshop_order_base_service_attr” OK
Adding position column to mshop_plugin table OK
Adding constraint for table mshop_plugin
Checking constraint “fk_msplu_typeid”: OK
Removing locale constraints from plugin tables
Adding domain column to price table
Checking column “domain”: OK
Adding label column to price table
Checking column “label”: OK
Remove unused indexes in mshop_price table
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_currid”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_quantity”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_value”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_shipping”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_rebate”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_taxrate”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_mtime”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_ctime”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspri_sid_editor”: OK
Renaming price constraints
Checking constraint “fk_mspr_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mspr_typeid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mspr_curid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_msprty_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msprty_sid_dom_code”: OK
Removing locale constraints from price tables
Renaming column “price” to “value”
Checking table “mshop_price” OK
Renaming shipping to costs
Checking table “mshop_price”: OK
Adding config column to mshop_product OK
Adding typeid column to product table
Checking table “mshop_product”: OK
Renameing product list constraint
Checking constraint “fk_msproli_parentid”: OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_product tables
Checking index “fk_msproli_pid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msprostwa_sid_code”: OK
Checking index “unq_msprost_sid_pid_wid”: OK
Checking index “fk_msprosi_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msprosi_sid_pid”: OK
Checking index “idx_mspro_sid_start_end_stat”: OK
Checking index “fk_msproli_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msproli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Checking index “unq_msprostwa_code_sid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msprost_pid_sid_wid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msprosi_pid_sid”: OK
Rename “prodid” to “parentid” in table “mshop_product_stock”
Checking column “prodid” OK
Adding label and status columns
Changing code from “product” to “default” in “mshop_product_type” OK
Changing typeid column of product table
Checking table “mshop_product”: OK
Removing locale constraints from product tables
Migrating product property domain to “product” OK
Remove listflag from mshop_product table
Adding constraint for table mshop_product_tag
Adding label and status columns for product warehouse
Removing locale constraints from service tables
Renameing service list constraint
Checking constraint “fk_msserli_aid”: OK
Modifying indexes in mshop_service tables
Checking index “fk_msserli_pid”: OK
Checking index “fk_msserli_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_msserli_aid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Adding “vatid” column to supplier address tables
Checking “mshop_supplier_address” table OK
Adding code column to mshop_supplier OK
Renaming supplier constraints
Checking constraint “fk_mssupp_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mssuppaddr_refid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mssuppaddr_siteid”: OK
Checking constraint “fk_mssuppaddr_langid”: OK
Altering type of supplier_address id OK
Allow NULL in table “mshop_supplier_address”
Checking column “langid” OK
Checking column “countryid” OK
Rename “refid” to “parentid” in table “mshop_supplier_address”
Checking column “refid” OK
Removing locale constraints from supplier tables
Moving product tag tables to own domain
Moving table “mshop_product_tag_type” OK
Moving table “mshop_product_tag” OK
Changing mshop_text.text to mshop_text.content OK
Adding label to mshop text table OK
Changing typeid of mshop_text table OK
Removing locale constraints from text tables
Modifying indexes in mshop_text tables
Checking index “fk_mstexli_pid”: OK
Checking index “fk_mstexli_parentid”: OK
Checking index “unq_mstexli_pid_sid_tid_rid_dm”: OK
Adding parentid column to catalog and locale_site
Checking parentid column in “mshop_catalog” OK
Checking parentid column in “mshop_locale_site” OK
Add column ‘domain’ to mshop_*_type
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_option_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_type”: OK
Renaming type constraints
Checking constraint “unq_msattty_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msmedty_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_mstexty_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msattlity_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_mscatlity_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msmedlity_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msproty_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msprolity_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msprotaty_sid_dom_code”: OK
Checking constraint “unq_msserlity_sid_dom_code”: OK
Creating base tables
Using tables from locale.sql
Checking table “mshop_locale_site”: created
Checking table “mshop_locale_language”: created
Checking table “mshop_locale_currency”: created
Checking table “mshop_locale”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale_site.idx_mslocsi_nleft_nright”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale_site.idx_mslocsi_level_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale_language.idx_mslocla_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale_language.idx_mslocla_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale_currency.idx_msloccu_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_curid”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_pos”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_locale.idx_msloc_sid_editor”: created
Using tables from attribute.sql
Checking table “mshop_attribute_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_attribute”: created
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_type.idx_msattty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_type.idx_msattty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_type.idx_msattty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_pos”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute.idx_msatt_sid_dom_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list_type.idx_msattlity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list_type.idx_msattlity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list_type.idx_msattlity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_rid_dm_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_attribute_list.idx_msattli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Using tables from customer.sql
Checking table “mshop_customer”: created
Checking table “mshop_customer_address”: created
Checking table “mshop_customer_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_customer_list”: created
Checking table “mshop_customer_group”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_langid”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_st_ln_fn”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_st_ad1_ad2”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_st_post_ci”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_lastname”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_address1”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_city”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_postal”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer.idx_mscus_sid_email”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_ln_fn”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_ad1_ad2”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_post_ci”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_pid”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_lastname”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_postal”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_city”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_addr1”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_address.idx_mscusad_sid_email”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list_type.idx_mscuslity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list_type.idx_mscuslity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list_type.idx_mscuslity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_list.idx_mscusli_pid_sid_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_customer_group.idx_mscusgr_sid_label”: created
Using tables from media.sql
Checking table “mshop_media_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_media”: created
Checking table “mshop_media_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_media_list”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_type.idx_msmedty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_type.idx_msmedty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_type.idx_msmedty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_status_langid”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_langid”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_mime”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_link”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_media.idx_msmed_sid_dom_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list_type.idx_msmedlity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list_type.idx_msmedlity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list_type.idx_msmedlity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_media_list.idx_msmedli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Using tables from order.sql
Checking table “mshop_order_base”: created
Checking table “mshop_order”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_base_address”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_base_product_attr”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_base_service_attr”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_base_coupon”: created
Checking table “mshop_order_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base.idx_msordba_scode_custid”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base.idx_msordba_sid_custid”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base.idx_msordba_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_mtime_pstat”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_mtime_dstat”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_type”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_pdate”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_ddate”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_dstatus”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_order.idx_msord_sid_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_sid_bid_typ”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_lname”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_addr1”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_postal”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_city”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_address.idx_msordbaad_bid_sid_email”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_product.idx_msordbapr_sid_bid_pcd”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_product.idx_msordbapr_sid_ct_pid_bid”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_product_attr.idx_msordbaprat_si_oi_ty_cd_va”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_product_attr.idx_msordbaprat_si_cd_va”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_service.idx_msordbase_sid_bid_cd_typ”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_service.idx_msordbase_sid_code_type”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_service_attr.idx_msordbaseat_si_oi_ty_cd_va”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_service_attr.idx_msordbaseat_si_cd_va”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_base_coupon.idx_msordbaco_sid_bid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_order_status.idx_msordstatus_val_sid”: created
Using tables from plugin.sql
Checking table “mshop_plugin_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_plugin”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin_type.idx_mspluty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin_type.idx_mspluty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin_type.idx_mspluty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_provider”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_plugin.idx_msplu_sid_editor”: created
Using tables from price.sql
Checking table “mshop_price_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_price”: created
Checking table “mshop_price_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_price_list”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_type.idx_msprity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_type.idx_msprity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_type.idx_msprity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_status_currencyid”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_currid”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_quantity”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_value”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_costs”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_rebate”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_taxrate”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_dom_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_domain”: created
Checking index “mshop_price.idx_mspri_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list_type.idx_msprility_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list_type.idx_msprility_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list_type.idx_msprility_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_price_list.idx_msprili_pid_sid_pos”: created
Using tables from product.sql
Checking table “mshop_product_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_product”: created
Checking table “mshop_product_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_product_list”: created
Checking table “mshop_product_property_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_product_property”: created
Checking table “mshop_product_stock_warehouse”: created
Checking table “mshop_product_stock”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_type.idx_msproty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_type.idx_msproty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_type.idx_msproty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_stat_st_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_id_sid_stat_st_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_product.idx_mspro_sid_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list_type.idx_msprolity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list_type.idx_msprolity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list_type.idx_msprolity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_list.idx_msproli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_property_type.idx_msproprty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_property_type.idx_msproprty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_property_type.idx_msproprty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_property.idx_mspropr_sid_value”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_property.idx_mspropr_sid_langid”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock_warehouse.idx_msprostwa_sid_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_stocklevel”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_backdate”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_product_stock.idx_msprost_sid_editor”: created
Using tables from service.sql
Checking table “mshop_service_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_service”: created
Checking table “mshop_service_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_service_list”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_type.idx_msserty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_type.idx_msserty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_type.idx_msserty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_prov”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_pos”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_service.idx_msser_sid_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list_type.idx_msserlity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list_type.idx_msserlity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list_type.idx_msserlity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_service_list.idx_msserli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Using tables from supplier.sql
Checking table “mshop_supplier”: created
Checking table “mshop_supplier_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_supplier_list”: created
Checking table “mshop_supplier_address”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier.idx_mssup_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list_type.idx_msuplity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list_type.idx_msuplity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list_type.idxmsuplity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_list.idx_msupli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Checking index “mshop_supplier_address.idx_mssupad_sid_rid”: created
Using tables from text.sql
Checking table “mshop_text_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_text”: created
Checking table “mshop_text_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_text_list”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_type.idx_mstexty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_type.idx_mstexty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_type.idx_mstexty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_status_langid”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_lid”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_cont”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_text.idx_mstex_sid_dom_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list_type.idx_mstexlity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list_type.idx_mstexlity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list_type.idx_mstexlity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_text_list.idx_mstexli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Using tables from coupon.sql
Checking table “mshop_coupon”: created
Checking table “mshop_coupon_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_provider”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon.idx_mscou_sid_editor”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_ct_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_mtime”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_ctime”: created
Checking index “mshop_coupon_code.idx_mscouco_sid_editor”: created
Using tables from catalog.sql
Checking table “mshop_catalog”: created
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog.idx_mscat_sid_nlt_nrt_lvl_pid”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog.idx_mscat_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list_type.idx_mscatlity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list_type.idx_mscatlity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list_type.idx_mscatlity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_rid_dm_tid”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “mshop_catalog_list.idx_mscatli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Using tables from tag.sql
Checking table “mshop_tag_type”: created
Checking table “mshop_tag”: created
Checking index “mshop_tag_type.idx_mstagty_sid_status”: created
Checking index “mshop_tag_type.idx_mstagty_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_tag_type.idx_mstagty_sid_code”: created
Checking index “mshop_tag.idx_mstag_sid_label”: created
Checking index “mshop_tag.idx_mstag_sid_langid”: created
Using tables from index.sql
Checking table “mshop_index_attribute”: created
Checking table “mshop_index_catalog”: created
Checking table “mshop_index_price”: created
Checking table “mshop_index_text”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_attribute.idx_msindat_s_at_lt”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_attribute.idx_msindat_p_s_lt_t_c”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_catalog.idx_msindca_s_ca_lt_po”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_price.idx_msindpr_s_lt_cu_ty_va”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_price.idx_msindpr_p_s_lt_cu_ty_va”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_text.idx_msindte_value”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_text.idx_msindte_sid”: created
Checking index “mshop_index_text.idx_msindte_p_s_lt_la_ty_do_va”: created
Move list types to separate table
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_option_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list”: OK
Add locale data for languages and currencies
Adding data for MShop locale languages 188/188
Adding data for MShop locale currencies 156/156
Adding data for MShop locale domain
Adding data for MShop locale sites done
Adding data for MShop locales done
Adding locale data if not yet present OK
Setting locale to “default” OK
Rename “refid” to “parentid” in table “users_address”
Checking column “refid” OK
Creating Aimeos Laravel user tables
Using tables from customer.sql
Checking table “users”: OK
Checking table “users_address”: created
Checking table “users_list_type”: created
Checking table “users_list”: created
Checking index “users_address.idx_lvuad_pid”: created
Checking index “users_address.idx_lvuad_ln_fn”: created
Checking index “users_address.idx_lvuad_ad1_ad2”: created
Checking index “users_address.idx_lvuad_post_ci”: created
Checking index “users_address.idx_lvuad_city”: created
Checking index “users_list_type.idx_lvulity_sid_status”: created
Checking index “users_list_type.idx_lvulity_sid_label”: created
Checking index “users_list_type.idx_lvulity_sid_code”: created
Checking index “users_list.idx_lvuli_sid_stat_start_end”: created
Checking index “users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_rid_dom_tid”: created
Checking index “users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_start”: created
Checking index “users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_end”: created
Checking index “users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_pos”: created
Checking index “users_list.idx_lvuli_pid_sid_tid”: created
Migrating catalog suggest tables
Checking table “mshop_catalog_suggest”: OK
Renaming in “madmin_job” column “user” to “editor”.
Checking column “user”: OK
Converting “madmin_job” to InnoDB”. OK
Changing typeid to not allow NULL values
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list”: OK
Changing site ID to NULL in madmin_log
Changing table “madmin_log”: OK
Modifying indexes in madmin_log table
Checking index “idx_malog_facility_time_prio”: OK
Checking index “idx_malog_timestamp”: OK
Change order coupon siteid foreign key constraints
Checking constraint “fk_msordbaco_siteid”: changed
Modifying indexes in mshop_order_base_coupon tables
Checking index “fk_msordbaco_baseid”: OK
Checking index “idx_msordbaco_bid_code_sid”: OK
Changing coupon code columns
Checking table “mshop_coupon_code”: OK
Checking table “mshop_order_base_coupon”: OK
Delete foreign keys to locale domain in mshop order tables
Checking table “mshop_order_base_coupon”:
Checking constraint “fk_msordbaco_siteid”: OK
Renaming plugin domain
Checking table “mshop_plugin”: OK
Adding label column to mshop_plugin table OK
Migrating “Complete” to “BasketLimits” plugin
Migrating “minorder” OK
Migrating “minproducts” OK
Migrating “Complete” OK
Migrating configuration of “Complete” plugin OK
Migrating configuration of “ProductLimit” plugin OK
Adding typeid column to price table
Checking column “typeid”: OK
Changing warehouseid column in mshop_product_stock OK
Migrating product text and media tables to list
Checking table “mshop_product_package”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_package_text”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_package_price”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_package_stock”: OK
Migrate suppliercode in mshop_product OK
Changing typeid column in mshop_product_tag table
Checking table “mshop_product_tag”: OK
Migrating product text and media tables to list
Checking table “mshop_product_text”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_media”: OK
Migrating service price table to list
Checking table “mshop_service_price”: OK
Renaming service domain
Checking table “mshop_service”: OK
Renaming service configuration OK
Migrating service text table
Checking table “mshop_service_text”: OK
Changing site ID to NOT NULL in Aimeos Coupon Extension
Changing table “mshop_coupon”: OK
Changing table “mshop_coupon_code”: OK
Changing table “mshop_order_base_coupon”: done
Changing site ID to NOT NULL in MAdmin section
Changing table “madmin_job”: OK
Creating admin tables
Using tables from cache.sql
Checking table “madmin_cache”: created
Checking table “madmin_cache_tag”: created
Checking index “madmin_cache.idx_majob_expire”: created
Using tables from log.sql
Checking table “madmin_log”: created
Checking index “madmin_log.idx_malog_sid_time_facility_prio”: created
Using tables from job.sql
Checking table “madmin_job”: created
Checking index “madmin_job.idx_majob_ctime”: created
Using tables from queue.sql
Checking table “madmin_queue”: created
Checking index “madmin_queue.idx_maque_queue_cname_rtime”: created
Setting label and status values
Checking table “mshop_attribute_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_attribute_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_catalog_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_media_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_plugin_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_product_tag_type”: n/a
Checking table “mshop_product_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_service_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_list_type”: OK
Checking table “mshop_text_type”: OK
Adding MShop type data for site “default”
Checking “attribute/type” type data 7/7
Checking “attribute/lists/type” type data 8/8
Checking “catalog/lists/type” type data 10/10
Checking “customer/lists/type” type data 5/5
Checking “media/type” type data 8/8
Checking “media/lists/type” type data 7/7
Checking “plugin/type” type data 1/1
Checking “price/type” type data 3/3
Checking “price/lists/type” type data OK
Checking “product/type” type data 3/3
Checking “product/lists/type” type data 16/16
Checking “product/property/type” type data 4/4
Checking “tag/type” type data 2/2
Checking “service/type” type data 2/2
Checking “service/lists/type” type data 8/8
Checking “supplier/lists/type” type data 4/4
Checking “text/type” type data 23/23
Checking “text/lists/type” type data 7/7
Adding default code data for site “default”
Checking “customer/group” codes 1/1
Checking “product/stock/warehouse” codes 1/1
Processing product demo data added
Processing catalog demo data added
Processing coupon demo data added
Processing customer demo data added
Processing service demo data added
Rebuilding index for demo data done
Adding default plugin data
Adding data for MShop plugins 11/11


D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan aimeos:cache
Clearing the Aimeos cache for site “default”

add resources/views/app.blade.php

http://localhost/projects/laravel5/webshop/public/list Its Works!!!

php artisan cache:clear

To use the admin interface, you have to set up Laravel authentication first. Please follow the Laravel documentation to create the necessary code:


D:\server\www\laravel\webshop>php artisan make:auth
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/login.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/register.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/passwords/email.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/passwords/reset.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/auth/emails/password.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/home.blade.php
Created View: D:\server\www\laravel\webshop\resources/views/welcome.blade.php
Installed HomeController.
Updated Routes File.
Authentication scaffolding generated successfully!


http://localhost/projects/laravel5/webshop/public/login Its works!!

php artisan aimeos:account test@test.local –admin


>php artisan aimeos:account test@test.local –admin

> (123)

Add “admin” privilege to user “test@test.local” for sites
– default


As a last step, you need to extend the boot() method of your App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider

http://localhost/projects/laravel5/webshop/public/admin Its Works!!!
